Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Back in the veritable saddle

I've been back in Wales for a few weeks now. I had an amazing time with the boyfriend's family, I stayed for nearly a week, and I've already been back to see his siblings perform in their play, which was hiliarious. I really genuinely liked all of them; I hope they liked me back. They were brilliant about the whole vegan thing; his Dad kept coming up with more and more exciting ideas and they all ate it too so I was very grateful for all the effort they made, not just with my diet but with me as a person. It was a shame I still had so much work to do; and that I ended up finishing it all last minute and that it was awful; but I guess it was all in on time so that's something. I had my only exam yesterday and luckily, although I felt completely unprepared, it was ok, the questions were as kind as they could be so if I've done terribly badly it's all my fault.

Now all I have to do is the paper. I'm desperately angling towards getting my column back in the magazine; I really liked having my own column and was imensely proud of it. The fact it's been changed has really got to me. I get it; there's good reasons, but I'm disappointed, and blame myself and feel that if I was better then clearly, I'd still have it. I'm being selfish, and spoilt and generally not having a positive attitude about it, I know, but I am actually quite cut up about it. I'll get over it, but in the meantime I'm going to try to get back in there. The editor's having none of it. But I'm going to keep trying.

The paper itself; I've had a bit of a day! This morning's interview was a complete waste of time. You win some, you lose some. I think I've got enough content. I think. In any case, it'll all be done by Friday morning; hopefully Thursday evening, and then it's back into lectures from next week I guess.

I'm having an evening off tonight; I'm going to enjoy it.

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