Monday, February 20, 2006

Back again! Don't worry, the novelty will wear off soon, I'm sure. I managed to finish the chapter on Threats (ominous isn't it? I think that's the idea) but have still got two articles to read tonight. (I'm an obsessive list writer, so I know everything I have to do.) My to do list is still rather full today, but I learnt how to do the pictures on this thing, and got a fabulous vegan gingerbread recipe from the Vegan Lunchbox blog, so you can't say I've completely wasted my time.
Talking of vegan, it's been nearly 4 and a half years since I gave up dairy and eggs, having never eaten meat in the first place. Considering I'm 20, that feels like a long time! But I can't imagine my life any other way. Tea tonight; Cheatin' Turkey Roast slices with steamed vegetables (mangetout, broccoli, runner beans and carrots) with miso gravy. Followed by soy custard and banana cake which my other flatmate, Bethan, made. Very full now, I'm using 'time of the month' as an excuse to pig out. Again.

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