Saturday, March 04, 2006

Jesus H Christ...

What the hell is going on? So many people I used to know at school are (no, not pushing prams, thankyou, Billy and Kirsty - it's much scarier than that) getting religion. And not just religion, but Christianity. Well, bugger me with a fishfork. I was a particularly spiritual person at school; I was a solitary witch and it was a big part of my life. It helped me a lot, but it helped me the most by making me realise that the best way for me to honour the divine was by actually getting off my ass and doing something, which is part of the reason why I do activism. But my beliefs are deeply rooted in ecology and so on, and as an anarchist, organised religion is crazy shit as far as I'm concerned (and all this from a girl who went to sunday school for ten years). What's most interesting is the way it's happening at the same stage of people's lives, while they're at university. (Don't you know you're supposed to be having orgies and experimenting with drugs? It's the anti-rebellious backlash! I guess I'm not either, but I don't know about you guys - I did all that while at school.)
I still love all you guys. But I can't say I understand you.
I think that's ok though, no doubt I'm difficult to understand too!

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